Sunday, December 27, 2009

Things I've Learned This Year

Today at my work, we kinda got on this topic a little bit. And that got me thinking alot today. Just what exactly have I learned and/or discovered this year? Where to start, eh?

-Determination will decide whether you can fit everything you're packing into two suitcases.

-John will NOT like Slipknot, no matter what I do.

-I seem to have a type of woman I'm attracted to. I don't seem to realize this, but everyone seems to think so.

-I say "dude" and "like" way too much.

-You never will know everything about someone, even if you spend your entire life together.

-It's "SxePhil." Not "SexyPhil." Stupid people.

-Chips are repulsive, yet I can eat an entire bag and still have room for a sandwich.

-Biking is the best cardio workout I'll ever get.

-There is no limit for spending your money if you've got it.

-Living on your own is hard.

-No matter what, Mom always will make a better dinner than I ever will.

-Kraft Mac and Cheese is cheap, but milk is expensive.

-Keep your friends by your side.

-I don't get carded at bars in Canada.

-Read the fine print.

-The Department of Education is &%#@! up.

-Vacations are never long enough.

-I'm too cheap.

-I could so go to a concert every night for an entire year. I just wish I could afford to do something like that.

-Don't pass out at a Slipknot concert.

-Keep the family love alive.

-I miss the snow way too much.

-No matter how many times I explain it, people will think I'm nuts for wearing shorts in the winter.

-People assume too much that because I take the bus, I'm poor. I just call it "limited income."

-It's too easy to get into Canada if you're Canadian. (Lol.)


-I like bands I would've never thought I would, like Mindless Self Indulgence or Boy Sets Fire.

-I will never give up on Rammstein. R+

-Beer is good.

-An orange hot chocolate is not.

-I CAN go more than 11 months without having an injury at work.

-It's not that hard to not eat fast food on a daily basis.

-Spending 10 days in Canada makes it weird to say "huh" afterwards versus saying "eh."

-I'm not sure why I'm still using Myspace. But, I know I won't delete my account, because I don't want someone stealing my identity.

-Music is the one thing that I can count on to save me from myself, no matter what.

-It's weird to realize that I'm taller than both my parents.

-McDonald's workplace drama has nothing on Frito-Lay's workplace drama.

-Whitehorse Transit has the worst schedule layout I've ever seen.

-"The Hangover" will be funny, no matter how many times I watch it.

-Why so serious?

-I still can't stand seeing people download music illegally.

-I can remember the first line of the lyrics to "Bring The Pain," but even after listening to the song more than 1000 times, I can never fully remember the 2nd verse.

-Walks in the middle of the night are awesome. Especially with a slurpee detour.

-"The Office" is one of the best shows EVER!

-I'm way too addicted to YouTube.

-Having a laptop is a wonderful thing.

-You can't believe everything unless you've seen it for yourself.

-Do what you want. It's your life.

-Laugh everyday. No matter what.

-Walla Walla is fun. Yakima is not.

-I think alot.

-Greyhound will never be fully on-time, but it's a very dependable service, and very cheap.

-I CAN sleep in an airport.


-One of my cats is a stoner (on catnip). The other thinks she's a dog.

-It was AFI that did all those songs that I really liked, back in the good ol' days of 88.1 The Alternative.

-Sushi is not for me.

-Health and Dental Insurance is hard to get for cheap.

-WebMD isn't that smart.

-The Geico Caveman isn't funny anymore.

-Montel Williams didn't die.

-Travelling from Whitehorse, Yukon, to Kennewick, WA, all in one day, makes for a VERY long day.

-Everyone seems to think of me as very mellow. I'm not.

-Sweeping the white line is a last resort of boredom at work.

-I can never look at a beet again without thinking of Dwight Schrute.

-It's funnier to put bulletins on Myspace when I'm sleep deprived.

-Brett Farve can play a game without hinting at another retirement.

-I overthink things when I'm excited about something.

-I hate sitting in the back of the bus now.

-Getting people to flip me off as I ride my bike is way too much fun. And way too dangerous.

-If you put in your status that you've met a prostitute, make sure you spell "met" correctly. Otherwise, people might question just what exactly is going on.

-I like getting sandwiches on Saturdays. I just wish the other drivers didn't see it as bribery.

-I will not be able to die happily without ever seeing a New Zealand All Blacks rugby match.

-"Boxxy" from YouTube fame is quite the annoying individual. And yet, I still watch that video from time to time.

-Getting a passport should not take that much effort.

-Netflix is a great way to waste away a whole day.

-Every time I watch a high school graduation, I get this sense of feeling really old for some reason. Even though I'm not that old.

-When you say you're going to watch a TNA show, people might not always realize that you mean the wrestling show.

-Calling Tuesday Saturday really confuses people.

-Chasing snakes at work is fun.

-Charter Cable should not still be in business.

-Always put your socks on.

-It's really cool to get to know your family that you've never actually met through Facebook.

-Being lazy when I want to be is a pretty big luxury now.

-Getting certified to drive a forklift isn't that hard.

-I miss my Renegade.

-My pay raise cannot come soon enough.

-It feels dirty to apply for a job online.

-I'm not very good about telling those who need to know how I really feel for them.

-Having a beer with your father is something to cherish for a long time.

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