Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Tax Return (Socialism - Yay or Nay?)

I've never been a huge fan of filing taxes.

Who is, right?

I think I'm slightly cynical towards filing taxes though, just because of my history with it.

Yeah, that's right.

That was my tax return the first year I filed. My second time wasn't much more, but I will say I cleared the $100 on that one. Plus, that was the year I got a federal stimulus check, which of course ended up being spent entirely. (That was the point of those stimulus checks, right? Lol.)

So, this year, I didn't expect much, per usual. I think that might be part of the reason I waited until two days before the day they're due. That and the fact that actually doing taxes are a drag. Luckily (or unluckily, depending on how you look at it), I've always qualified to file with the 1040EZ, so life is a little easier. Of course, by qualifying for the 1040EZ, I'm also able to E-File online at any licensed 3rd party company for free. So, that's what I did this year.

And boy, am I glad I did.

I'd actually tried to do my taxes two weeks ago... But that was a failure. I was using the online forms from the IRS as I filled out my return while following the instructions in the book they sent me, when for some stupid reason, my computer shut down without warning, and would not turn back on until I unplugged it. Needless to say, it took alot of self-restraint to keep myself from throwing my laptop through the wall right then and there. But, I didn't thankfully. Luckily, I'd gotten far enough through my return to the point where I knew how much my refund was gonna be. More than $500, that's all I'll say. I was happy about that, but then I wasn't. I made about $15,000 in 2009 (Big money, I know), and by my calculations, I get taxed $1.83 for every hour I work. So, $500 kinda feels like I'm being shafted by the government.

So, where am I going with this? Lol. (Sorry for the long lead up.)

I consider myself pro-socialism. (Go ahead, say it.) I think the ideas of government healthcare and higher taxes for a better country are right. But, then on the other hand, I dislike taxes for the sheer fact that they are often misappropriated, and then that so many of them are stupid. (Aka, the "sin taxes.") So, to summarize: Zac likes taxes, but he doesn't like taxes. Following so far? Good.

The thing I'm asking myself right now is, rather than a tax return, wouldn't I rather have access to healthcare (I'm uninsured, mind you), more funds for public transportation and other alternative transportations, and so on? Or would I rather have a lump sum right now, so I can buy the things I want, and just hope that I don't get sick or hit by a bus? It's a strange dilemma.

As we've already established, I made about $15,000 last year. So, I'm not exactly rolling in the benjamins, ya know what I say'z? I don't live in poverty, but I'm not exactly in a constant state of financial security. So, for the time being, I will take that tax return. Why? Because, it's my money, and I'm gonna do with it what I see fit. But (and only but), if I were to get a call from Uncle Sam, and he asked me the following: "Hey Zac, ummm... that tax return we put in your bank account... Umm, we actually need some of it back. See, Ben Franklin Transit is short on funds this year, and we know you don't wanna see your route cut, so we're gonna save it with that money, ok? Oh, and then we'll need the rest of your tax return back so that we can open you an account at Kennewick General Hospital so that you'll be able to go in whenever your sick or hurt and get medical services for really really cheap. So, you able to help us there buddie? You are? GREAT! Thanks so much buddie." I'd say yes in a heart beat. But, because I live in America, I really don't see that happening.

And no, I'm not gonna play my usual argument, but you know I'm thinking it right now. So there.

So, to conclude: I took my tax return this year. And it's alot (for me anyways). Take my first tax return (from the picture above) and multiply it by 100 and it's still more than that. So, that's gonna be getting spent, though not for awhile. However, I'd much rather have health insurance and better infrastructure for public transportation and roads and so forth. And, if I could vote, I'd be going to the polls pro-"real" taxes. Unless it's a Tim Eyman initiative. Lol. (Look him up if you have no clue what I'm talking about.)

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